Diagnostic correlation of cervical cytolgy versus colposcopy in cervical cancer premalignant lesions. Ips universitaria, Barranquilla 2013


  • Marop Carrascal Universidad Libre
  • Carlos Chávez Universidad Libre
  • Farid Sesin Universidad Libre


Cervical cytology, colposcopy


Objective: To determine the diagnostic correlation of cervical cytolgy versus colposcopy in cervical cancer premalig- nant lesions. IPS Universitaria Barranquilla 2013. Materials and methods: Ambispective analytical validation of diagnostic test study a total of 50 patients in which the reporting cervical cytology, colposcopy and histopathology report was achieved, in addition to fulfilling the inclusion criteria, age 18 and full of variables to study in medical history data were included. Results: The mean age was 44,4 ± 9,0 years, the mean age of first intercourse was 17,6 ± 1,0 years; 8% had a family history of cervical cancer; cytology sensitivity 80% and specificity 56,6%; colposcopy showed sensitivity of 72,7% and specificity of 71,4%. Conclusions: Colposcopy showed higher diagnostic correlation than cervical cytology in premalignant lesions of cer- vical cancer.


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How to Cite

Diagnostic correlation of cervical cytolgy versus colposcopy in cervical cancer premalignant lesions. Ips universitaria, Barranquilla 2013. (2014). Biociencias, 9(1), 37-43. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/biociencias/article/view/2838