Ectopic pregnancy on scar of previous cesarean operation case report


  • Ricardo Torrents Universidad Libre
  • Hugo Fernández Universidad Libre


Ectopic pregnancy, Caesarea, Chorionic gonadotropin


Pregnancy located in the area of a scar of a previous cesarean operation is more aggressive than placenta praevia or Placenta accreta because it invades the myometrium earlier, during the first trimester; it’s a strange form of ectopic pregnancy and it represents around 1% of those kind of gestation. It requires a high index of suspicion and a high-resolution ultrasound for diagnosis, still no consensus for management. We report the case of a pregnant patient with a history of two previous cesarean operations, which reported transvaginal ultrasound gestational sac located very close to the cesarean section and increased parauterine vascularity. Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy was made and the treatment required gestational sac aspiration under transvaginal ultrasound guidance and the application of methotrexate. This article reports the case and makes a review of the literature.


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How to Cite

Ectopic pregnancy on scar of previous cesarean operation case report. (2012). Biociencias, 7(2), 53-56.

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