Risk factors associated with osteomuscular disorders in drivers of a public transportation company, Barranquilla, 2012


  • Olga Marcela Díaz Orozco Universidad Simón Bolívar
  • Giselle Diana Rojano Vergara Universidad Libre


Anthropometry, Work environment, Ergonomics, Occupational diseases


Background: The health of public transportation drivers has a lot to do with become increasingly growth of the sector and the type of occupational disease they present; likewise, it also has to do with the fact that the true health of health of the drivers is rarely known and because they often do not undergo periodical medical examina- tions. Objective: To determine the association between working conditions and musculoskeletal injuries in drivers of a public transportation company in Barranquilla (Colombia). Materials and Methods: Cross Sectional descriptive study. 78 drivers were evaluated. Determining body mass index, waist circumference, the Nordic questionnaire was used to determine musculoskeletal symptoms, in which the worker was questioned about the presence of musculoskeletal pain or discomfort in any part of the body for the past six months, OWAS method to measure postural load. Results: 100% of the sample was men with a normal BMI and average body prototype. The average age was 35.5 years. The parts of the body where discomfort was evidenced were: neck, shoulder and wrist with a risk two (26.90%) and three (73.10%) indicating that they are at risk of having harmful effects on the musculoskeletal system. Conclusions: It appears that the population is at moderate risk of suffering some kind of damage, so it is suggested ograms that promote good healthy posture while driving and other activities to prevent future usculoskeletal injuries.


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How to Cite

Risk factors associated with osteomuscular disorders in drivers of a public transportation company, Barranquilla, 2012. (2012). Biociencias, 7(2), 45-52. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/biociencias/article/view/2802

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