Seroprevalence of brucella in humans and cattle in the department of Atlantico, Colombia
Brucellosis, Prevalence, Zoonoses, Public healthAbstract
Background: Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease that has serious effects on public health. Its incidence may vary from values less than one case in developed countries, up to 30 cases per 100,000 people in less developed countries. In Colombia it is unknown the behavior of the disease in the general population. Objective: To describe and compare the epidemiological behavior of the human and bovine brucellosis in the de- partment of Atlantico for a period of five years, taking into account aspects such as geographical distribution and the bovine and human prevalence rate. Materials and Methods: The comparison between districts was performed using time series graphs and calcula- tions of the coefficient of correlation between seroprevalence rates of anti-Brucella antibodies in humans and cattle. Results: In Atlantico, human brucellosis presented lower rates compared to other countries in America, and bo- vine brucellosis decreased over the four years of study. The results of this study did not permit an association be- tween the seroprevalence of the disease in cattle and humans in the department, especially because the number of human cases recorded in the database PANACEA is very low, possibly associated with underreporting. Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, it is suggested to local authorities to redesign the health surveillance programs of human brucellosis in the department of the Atlantico.
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