Natural law and human rights

Catholic proposal towards a common base of interreligious dialogue



Palabras clave:

Natural law, interreligious dialogue, A Common Word, Human Rights, Christianity


This article studies the proposal of the Catholic Church towards a common base for interreligious dialogue. For the Church, dialogue with other religions can not be based on the commandments of love, as Muslim leaders suggest in their document "A Common Word" (2007), because it is an exclusive idea between Christians and Muslims; that is why the Church presents in several documents the idea of the natural law as a common pillar for all people, believers and non-believers, since God has provided humanity with reason, and this can guide human beings towards common benefit. This article analyzes the natural law as a valid means for interreligious relations.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Alexander González García, University Libre

    Magister in research and Magister in educational management of Saint Joseph University in Beirut, Lebanon; Phd., candidate in Education at Nacional University of La Plata, Argentina; Theologian of University of London, England; Philosopher of Pontifical Xavierian University of Bogotá, Colombia; Specialist in Islam and Arabic Studies of the Pontifical Institute Dar Comboni of Cairo, Egypt. Researcher of the INCOM Group at Universidad Libre – Barranquilla - Colombia.


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Artículos de investigación científica y tecnológica

Cómo citar

Natural law and human rights: Catholic proposal towards a common base of interreligious dialogue. (2021). Advocatus, 2(29), 147-156.