human rights education in children and adolescents to avoid domestic violence.


  • Diana Catalina Plazas Guerra
  • Niyened Yesenia López Ramos
  • Jairo Rojas Ángel


Domestic violence, institutional violence, education, human rights, children and adolescents


This article is reflective and critical about violence in the educational process and its possible impact relationship with respect to intrafamily violence against children, girls and adolescents, a qualitative research is carried out through an exhaustive review of the specialized literature on the subject.

It is pointed out that the phenomenon of violence is complex enough to withstand a theoretical analysis of it, since this would cover unresolved or even unresolved national social, economic and political issues, so it is not the intention of the article to address a phenomenon of that magnitude. It is concluded that the development of society should point to limits on theoretical and conceptual aspects of violence, domestic violence, as well as the impact of education on them, all framed in the urgency of a short and short public policy. medium term that centralizes children and adolescents.

In it, education should be prioritized as a human right and thus avoid that the first type of violence is an educational system that allows the desertion and exclusion of children and adolescents because that means that many of them do not complete the educational system and emerge phenomena of violence ranging from domestic violence to institutional violence, sometimes with human rights violations.


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How to Cite

human rights education in children and adolescents to avoid domestic violence. (2022). Academia & Derecho.