Contributions of the philosophy of John Rawls in the reading of transitional justice in Colombia


  • Henry Torres Vásquez Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia


John Rawls, transitional justice, original position, veil of ignorance, social cooperation.


This year (2021) marks the hundredth anniversary of the birth of John Rawls, also 40 years ago since the initial version of his book "Theory of Justice" for these vital reasons and the conception of justice expressed in his dissertations, This article makes an apology for the counter-actualist conception of social cooperation of justice from ethics, the philosophy of law and Rawls's politics. Through a synthesis analysis of his works and of some authors who have analyzed his theory; this article highlights precisely the objective of examining from the philosophical-political point of view the doctrinal elaboration of justice as the center of John Rawls's theory. In accordance with its postulates, it is intended to establish the contributions that serve the processes, principles and purposes of transitional justice in Colombia. It is concluded that the contributions of Rawlsiana's philosophy in the reading of transitional justice determine that it has a great component of virtuosity, equity and in the construction of peace, which by achieving restorative justice allows for stability and thus unity. That admits the consolidation of the social and democratic state of law and within it the success of peace.


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How to Cite

Contributions of the philosophy of John Rawls in the reading of transitional justice in Colombia. (2022). Academia & Derecho.