Alexander Von Humboldt

his philosophical, political, legal and social conditions in the work trip to the equinoctial regions of the new continent


  • Hermann Petzold-Pernía Universidad del Zulia



law, conquest, independence, society, history


The history of our people demonstrates the greatness and while the mistakes typical of human nature. The present research literature review events of the eighteenth and nineteenth in the experience of travel undertaken by Alexander Van Humboldt, in the days of Spanish rule over part of the Latin American geography, points out realities that over time could be considered superseded by society and the increasingly «evolved» conception of the State, subject assumed the difficult task of organizing the social cluster and define him far government institutions. However, as a kind of paralysis sorne of these difficulties «once» are portrayed in our present and in that time, no trivial matter if part of the state constant struggles far legitimacy and recognition of those who submit to his empire and warranty.


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ROHL, Eduardo; «Alejandro de Humboldt», trabajo que aparece como prólogo a la obra Viaje a las Regiones Equinocciales del Nuevo Continente, hecho en 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 y 1804, por A. de Humboldt y A. Bonpland. Redactado por Alejandro de HUMBOLDT. Trad. del francés por Lisandro Alvarado. Caracas, Biblioteca Venezolana de Cultura-Ediciones del Ministerio de Educación Nacional, 1941, t. 1, pp. XV-XVIII.

OTS CAPDEQUI, José María; Manual de Historia del Derecho Español en las Indias y del Derecho propiamente Indiano. Buenos Aires, Losada, 1945.

ALTAMIRA Y CREVEA, Rafael; Manual de Investigación de la Historia del Derecho Indiano. México, Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia, 1948.

GARCIA GALLO, Alfonso; Estudio e Indice del Cedulario Indiano. Recopilado por Diego de ENCINAS, Oficial Mayor de la Escribanía de Cámara del Consejo Supremo y Real de las Indias. Reproducción facsímil de la edición única de 1596. Madrid, Ed. Cultura Hispánica, 1945; Libro Primero.

SAINT EXUPERY, Antaine de; Le Petit Prince. New York, Harbrace Paperbound Library, s./ f.

PERELMAN, Ch.; «Le raisonnable et le déraisonnable en droit» en Archives de Philophie du Droit. Paris, Sirey, 1978; t. N°23.




How to Cite

Alexander Von Humboldt: his philosophical, political, legal and social conditions in the work trip to the equinoctial regions of the new continent. (2013). Academia & Derecho, 6, 125-154.