Cambios en la estructura urbana de Cúcuta
impacto generado por el plan de ordenamiento territorial en la transformación de la ciudad
San Jose de Cucuta, Territorial Order, Urban Structure, Density, Urban Growth, Urban Expansion, Urban LegislationAbstract
Analysis of the incidence of the normative dispositions about the transformation of the urban structure of the city of San Jose de Cucuta, the changes that hove token place throughout time in the dispositions that regulate the territorial state capital classification, forms of occupation, and the government usage of soil. Being a part of a historical review accompanied by the graphic register of the urban growth since 1793, estimating the variation of the occupied surface until the present validity, making an emphasis starting from 2001 in which the Territorial Order in the Transformation Plan of the city was approved and adapted. During the period of 2006-2012, the greatest formal density is obtained. As though, this analyses the tendency for urban expansion in the long-run, according to the recent normative changes.
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