Online justice: from the digital experience of England and Brazil to the colombian scope
Digital justice, online courts, technology platforms, procedural lawAbstract
Since 2020, Colombia has embarked on the implementation of a digital judicial system in response to the circumstances arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this system has not progressed substantially within the realm of the judiciary. Prior to the pandemic-induced lockdown, Colombia already possessed tools and platforms dedicated to the provision of judicial services, which gradually adapted to the new paradigm of digital justice.
In this context, it becomes pertinent to formulate potential scenarios from an academic standpoint, grounded in an analysis of the advancements and the Sistema Integrado Único de Gestión Judicial (SIUGJ) project, in conjunction with other platforms available in the judicial sphere. The aim is to build upon existing foundations to meet current needs by creating a unified model.
This research adopts an academic approach and draws from international experiences, notably those of Brazil and England, to identify key successes in the following central areas: the landscape of digital justice before the pandemic, its evolution thereafter, the technological platforms and tools employed, the regulations enacted during the pandemic pertaining to justice, as well as the challenges and issues encountered.
Subsequently, an analysis is conducted regarding the inception of digital justice in Colombia, its development during the pandemic period, the most pertinent tools and platforms used, as well as the policies and regulations related to digital justice in the country. Through this analysis, the objective is not only to comprehend the dynamics of digital justice in Colombia but also to contribute to a proposal for digital justice tailored to the specific social, economic, and cultural conditions of Colombia.
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