Towards a social transformation: the word as a pedagogical and democratic mechanism
citizen education, democratization of education, humanities, social change, social sciencesAbstract
This reflective article addresses four themes: the human sciences, democracy, education and
social transformation, in order to reflect on the role assumed by the word, as a human act and
as a pedagogical and democratic mechanism, in individual and social processes. collectives of
social transformation. This call for reflection-action was born in a space that the authors
called days of reflection, held at the Universidad del Valle, Palmira and San Fernando (Cali),
within the framework of the national student strike for higher education in the second
semester of the 2018. It is argued in the text that the word is the basis for the construction of
the human condition and of the Other as an equal and similar. From this perspective, we find
that the word is indispensable in the democratic project because, thanks to its empowerment,
the autonomy of the subject is achieved and equality with the Other is materialized.
Therefore, it is affirmed that democratic education should invite educators and students to
think critically, for themselves, in a humane, free, diverse and dignified environment. It is
concluded that, given the importance of the word, it is necessary to consider it as a
pedagogical and democratic mechanism, through which processes of social transformation
that invite a change of attitude in social actors can be managed.
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