Funcionamiento de las garantías mobiliarias sobre bienes incorporales para la financiación de microempresas
Secured transactions, intangible assets, micro entrepreneurs, banks, financial sector, creditAbstract
The research article investigates the operation of the legal concept of movable security over intangible assets for the financing of microenterprise credits in the banking system from the issuance of Law 1676 of 2013. The degree of use is determined in the investigation. and effectiveness of the legal concept of movable security in the municipality of Pasto, department of Nariño, by microentrepreneurs and the financial sector on intangible assets for credit financing. In the investigative process, a quantitative-qualitative or mixed paradigm is taken, a hermeneutic historical approach, a level of depth of a comprehensive nature and the use of primary sources of information, secondary sources of information and quantitative and qualitative analysis tools of data, especially those derived from a process of interviews, surveys and tracking of databases of the Colombian Confederation of Chambers of Commerce, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce of Pasto. The study concludes that there is little knowledge on the part of the business sector regarding the existence of the figure of movable guarantees and its advantages compared to the strengthening of productive projects in the region.
The study suggests the implementation of government measures and public policy actions that allow the microenterprise sector to access financial and banking credit with reasonable interest rates supported by movable guarantees backed by intangible assets.
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