The state criminal otherwise in the murders against members of the Unión patriotica political party by state agents: political genocide




Genocide, state criminal otherness, patriotic union, state terrorism, against humanity


This article proposes a study of otherness, based on the analysis of the Colombian left-wing political party Unión Patriótica (UP), which between 1984 and 2002 suffered the murder of 4,153 of its members or supporters. The perpetrators of these behaviors were State agents, especially members of the Colombian army and members of paramilitary groups, who together carried out deaths, forced displacements and thousands of forced disappearances, torture, etc. Due to these facts, impunity has been common in ordinary criminal justice; With the emergence of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) there is an enormous expectation of possible convictions of these executors and thus achieve the demands of justice of thousands of victims.


The murder of members and supporters of the UP can be adapted without major complications in the criminal offense of genocide. However, in Colombia it has been included in the criminal type of homicides of a protected person in the ordinary justice system and classified as “victimization of members of the Patriotic Union (UP) by State agents” in the transitional justice system of the JEP.

It is concluded that the concept of otherness is present in the staggering, generality and systematization of the actions of the State aimed at the elimination of the political party, this gave rise to State terrorism actions that unleashed in the political genocide of the Patriotic Union. It concludes that it is possible to speak of a state criminal other, because it is a genocide carried out by state agents.


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How to Cite

The state criminal otherwise in the murders against members of the Unión patriotica political party by state agents: political genocide (H. Torres Vásquez , Trans.). (2023). Academia & Derecho, 15(26).