Contribution of Recreation to Sustainable Development




Regional development, local tourism, sustainable recreation, business perspective, intermediate cities


The recreation industry provides opportunities for the economic and social progress of the regions, especially for those intermediate cities left behind by the social conflict. So, the purpose of this research is to show how recreation becomes a strategic sector that not only provides benefits for the family and society, but is in itself an alternative for economic, social and environmental development, taking advantage of the natural, urban and heritage potentialities present in the territories, facilitating necessary elements in the design of business units related to family recreational centers, as a skill to promote sustainable tourism, recreation and culture, in geographically important sites with high potential, and at the same time, turn them into generators of wealth. From a mixed study, a survey aimed at 200 sample subjects was carried out, as well as the assessment of the perceptions of experts through the implementation of a semi-structured interview aimed at 10 opinion experts on the field of tourism and recreation. The main findings showed that there are opportunities for economic and social development for intermediate cities that focus their efforts on the tourism, leisure and creation industry, from the design and start-up of business units associated with recreational centers, generating a positive impact on the communities that are involved in these scenarios for their operation and enjoyment, especially in those affected by the stigmatization of being zones of armed conflict.


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How to Cite

Contribution of Recreation to Sustainable Development. (2023). Academia & Derecho, 14(25).

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