Ideological profiles of intellectuals from the modern age
History, Ideas, Intellectuals, Modern AgeAbstract
To discuss the role and possible importance that may have, to have the intellectuals in the different areas, disciplines or science that engender and cultivate knowledge for the society of the present and the future; without missing the past; in several scenarios of knowledge and knowledge of society. This research is addressed from the qualitative -Hermeneutic paradigm in the perspective of a documentary and systematic review of the literature for the object of study. In the process of understanding the intellectual as that person who is dedicated to the critical reflection of reality, according to his discipline and place of position in society, so much so that his intervention influences the reality, reaching a level of authority. In the surroundings and before public opinion, according to the field of influence of each intellectual. The fields are diverse: political, religious, literary, artistic, among other ways of reconnaissance by society and its action, it generates a way of reaching out to the public of intervention that helps to consolidate the history of the ideas.
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