Use and security of customer information in business and / or financial institutions in Colombia
Custumers, Colombia, businesses, information, mation security, use, social engineeringAbstract
Through this article that security in the information technology and communications (ICT), is as necessary as the functionality itself. Protect the availability, integrity and confidentiality of their data, like operations, it is a huge challenge that is done daily, is complex, its evolution and the risks that every day become and become more sophisticated, being more and better connected users or beneficiaries and less controlled. Today the rise of globalization has begun an intensified competitiveness in ali Universidad Libre sectors of the economy. This symbolizes that, increasingly, suppliers of goods and services, are required to keep their eyes on quality and continua! improvement to be chosen by customers; but on the other hand, the protection of information has been deprotecting due to critica! security issues with multiple failures, which in sorne ways are explored crackers asAnonymous and Hacker generate large losses in sectors that are implemented in the world and in Colombia. Thus, this document specifies the importance of awareness on the use and security of customer information in business and / or financia! institutions in Colombia.
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