Innovación y Tecnología conto factores contpetitivos en las entpresas de fantilia


  • Luis Ignacio López Farfán, MG. Universidad Libre


The theme of lnnovation of the hand of the conception of development called "Science and Technology" has had in recent years a special importance due to their great contributions to the advancement of modern society. In Colombia, particularly it has been increasing its level of attention due to the cur f1t processes of globá 1zation, globalizatio and its impar ce in the new e the developm both eco influence economic development of modern societies, issues such as innovation and science and technology as an end product applied, loom large in the concepts related to growth and both social and economic development of modern society. Currently, within the different countries it has chosen to implement policies applied to the concept of technological development based on continuous innovation; they are being using as one of the admissible to the new requirements and market pressures, changing production structures to the massive introduction of lnformation Technology and Communications -TIC'Sanswers the context of the training of human talent, to negotiations at national, regional and international character among others, based in many cases global and global developments in this area to play them directly without determining the different effects that can cause within societies and this particular case of the Colombian Society. T he concept and use of innovation and constant technological development of societies is essential far si achieving high standards of competitiveness in global markets, such component that seeks to ensure the achievement of higher levels of satisfaction of the main needs in the fields economic, social and integral development of the countries. Although it should be noted and taken into account their performance and functionality has been and will be different depending on the type of society in question to be variable progress and development to be achieved. lt should be noted that, in addition, innovation, science and technology have become part of the productive forces to a greater extent than ever, since it is considered today that are strategic agents of change in business development plans, economic and social. In this paper,we try to delineate a large structure innovation, technological development and its implications far economic, business and social environment trying to visualize their constraints and opportunities.


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How to Cite

López Farfán, L. I. (2018). Innovación y Tecnología conto factores contpetitivos en las entpresas de fantilia. Perfiles Gerenciales. El Ser Humano detrás Del Empresario, 5(1), 06-15.