Solidaritv development organizations as a contribution to closing Social gaps save
Save cristian foundation.
Solidarity organizations of developmen, Poverty, Non-profü, Closure of social gaps Community, Child abuse, Welfare, FamilyAbstract
This article aims to identify how faundations in Colombia manage to contribute to closing social gaps and improving the quality of life of beneficiaries of those projects implemented by these institutions. Toe field work was carried out through the application of an interview, to the Social Worker of the Salvemos a Cristian Foundation. Obtained a result the knowledge of those efforts that the Foundation every day to help children and adolescents from faur to eighteen years old, who are in a vulnerable condition. This labor is carried out at no cost so that the beneficiaries can have better opportunities far their future, helping them to overcome traumas or difficulties caused during the stages of their lives, also contributing to the change of their mentality about a poor person was born to be poor or the only option to subsist is to be engaged in crime. Toe work of the faundation has been developed far more than 15 years in which they have managed to expand the coverage, creating new projects, providing greater benefits and welfare not only to the beneficiary but also to its entire family.
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