Lack of normative regulation in the publication of objective content by the media on social networks, an aspect that affects political decision-making and the collective imaginary of young people from the capitals of the comunera and guanentá provinces.


  • Jenifer Tatiana Toloza Gutiérrez Universidad Libre
  • Jairo Andrés Vásquez Zambrano Universidad Libre


Influence, political ideology, communication, collectivity, normativity


The current political scenario of the country facing the presidential elections of the year 2022, for many it is somewhat hasty, but for others it is an issue that must be considered from now on taking into account the current crisis that the country is going through, pointing out that this is must face changing the political ideology of the new government, both positions strongly presented by the media through social networks. Therefore, this is the presentation of a research proposal that aims to analyze the influence of the lack of normative regulation that limits unfair conducts of the media transmitted through social networks on the collective imaginations of university students of the capitals of the Comunera and Guanentá provinces in making political decisions.
In order to do this, the following problem question must be answered and that is, in what way does the lack of normative regulation that limit unfair behaviors of the media transmitted through social networks influence the collective imaginations of university students in the capitals of the Comunera and Guanentá provinces in political decision-making?
For its development, it is intended to use a socio-legal methodology, where the sample population will be first-semester students of the law program of the University Libre Seccional Socorro and Unisangil, since it is a young population that is constantly using social networks and where they access information and news, particularly of political content. It is expected then to show how this p r o b l e m i n fl u e n c e s t h e c o l l e c t i v e imagination of young people and their political decision-making.


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How to Cite

Toloza Gutiérrez, J. T. ., & Vásquez Zambrano, J. A. . (2022). Lack of normative regulation in the publication of objective content by the media on social networks, an aspect that affects political decision-making and the collective imaginary of young people from the capitals of the comunera and guanentá provinces . Ius Praxis, 5(1), 70-78.