Unemployment in women and poverty: A bibliometric review
unemployment in women, poverty, suicide, gender wage gaps, labor restrictions, bibliometric review, financial inclusionAbstract
This study aims to address women's unemployment and various issues related to poverty, limited job opportunities, education, gender wage gaps, and obstacles to achieving workplace equality. Economic dependence and low financial inclusion in less developed countries hinder access to decent employment. The present study is conducted through a bibliometric analysis and a comprehensive review of literature on women's unemployment and poverty, conducting a search in Scopus between 2000-2023. This exploration allowed us to observe the negative effects caused by the lack of job opportunities and their impact on health, leading to stress, anxiety, and suicide. Additionally, an analysis is carried out that encompasses unemployment, its direct relationship with the social and mental aspects, poverty, and suicide, seen from gender differences in the family environment and geographical location. Finally, a research agenda is proposed for future studies.
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