Technologies implemented for the management of organic waste in intensive dairy farms exploitation in the “Chiriquí” Province
Organic fertilizer, Biodigester, Bokashi, Composting, Bovine manure, Vermicompost, Solid separatorAbstract
Organic waste management is a necessary component in milk production systems; because the accumulation of manure pollutes the environment; However, the technologies for the management of organic waste allow farmers to obtain an added value, through the production of organic fertilizers and / or energy. The present work was carried out with 22 intensive milk producers located in the Province of Chiriquí; with the purpose of recognizing and describing the technologies used for the management of organic waste. The study showed that 60% of the surveyed producers do not have a single wastewater collection point in the milking shed, evidencing the need to adapt the infrastructures; with an average of 121.3 m2 of concrete floor, with 32 cows / galley and an average of 3.7 cows m2. The time that the cows took to milking was 3.6 hours / day. Noting that the amount of manure depends on the number of cows and time of milking or of stay in the galley; being an average of 2.5 pounds of manure / cow / hour. The milking stall washing time was 1.05 hours, which represented an expenditure of 634 liters / stall / day and 19 liters / cow / day. The technologies used for wastewater management were: manholl, solids separator, and biodigester; and the technologies used for the management of organic waste are: manure storage tanks for the production of bokashi and vermicompost.
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