Economic valuation of the environmental impacts generated by the exploitation of the cradle emerald mine in western Boyaca
Economic Valuation, Environmental Impacts on Mining, Emerald, Environmental Impacts, CostsAbstract
The economic assessment of the environmental impacts resulting from the emerald mining of the Cunas mine in the west of Boyacá and of which it is under the mandate and administration of the company Esmeraldas Santa Rosa S. A, it was carried out through the productivity estimation method, this was applied accordingly, on those impacts arising from the impacts assessed that had the greatest significance; to this end, the environmental impacts were identified according to the activities and processes of the mine and these were assessed in accordance with what Vicente Conesa Fernández – Vitoria Said, and were also identified the factors and costs that influence the determination of the final value; agricultural productivity change for cocoa and sugarcane crops was found to be the most representative in the region equals $19,537,655 and $10,705,716 respectively, while livestock productivity change equals $ 6,240,000, i.e. it was established that the value of these impacts is a little high considering the magnitude of the holding, which takes a leading role in making future decisions.
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