Paz justa y redistribución: un argumento deontológico en contextos de grave desigualdad
DOI: clave:
paz;, justicia;, transición;, distribución;, desigualdadResumen
Este artículo presenta una línea argumentativa de orden deontológico para la inclusión de discusiones socioeconómicas en la transición hacia la paz al interior de sociedades con graves problemas de marginación y pobreza, como Colombia. Para tal fin, el artículo discute un argumento intrínseco más allá de los acostumbrados fundamentos relativos al posible resurgimiento o prolongación de la violencia en caso de no abordarse adecuadamente la severa desigualdad. La discusión se desarrolla en el marco teórico que da sustento al concepto de paz justa y a los principios de justicia después de la guerra.
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Elster, J. (2004). Closing the books: Transitional justice in historical perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Rengger, N. (2002). On the just war tradition in the Twenty-First Century. International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944), 78(2), 353-363.
Rodin, D. (2008). Two emerging issues of jus post bellum: War termination and the liability of soldier for crimes of aggression. En C. Stahn y J. K. Kleffner (eds.), Jus post bellum: Towards a law of transition from conflict to peace (pp. 53-76). La Haya: Asser.
Sánchez, N. C. (2017). Tierra en transición: justicia transicional, restitución de tierras y política agraria en Colombia. Bogotá: Dejusticia.
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Shaw, R., Waldorf, L. & Hazan, P. (2010). Localizing transitional justice: Interventions and priorities after mass violence. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
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Sinnott-Armstrong, W. (2015). Consequentialism. En E. N. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (winter 2015). Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Recuperado de
Sorabji, R. (2006). Just war from ancient origins to the conquistadors debate and its modern relevance. En R. Sorabji y D. Rodin (eds.), The ethics of war: Shared problems in different traditions. Aldershot: Ashgate.
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Teitel, R. G. (2014). Globalizing transitional justice: Contemporary essays. Nueva York: Oxford University Press.
Uprimny, R. (2009). Transformative reparations of massive gross human rights violations: Between corrective and distributive justice. Part C: Appendices. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 27(4), 625-648.
Uprimny, R. & Saffon, M. P. (2009). Reparaciones transformadoras, justicia distributiva y profundización democrática. En N. Sánchez, R. Uprimny y C. Díaz (eds.), Reparar en Colombia: los dilemas en contextos de conflicto, pobreza y exclusión (pp. 31-70). Bogotá: Centro Internacional para la Justicia Transicional; Dejusticia.
Allan, P. & Keller, A. (2006). The concept of a just peace, or achieving peace through recognition, renouncement, and rule. En P. Allan y A. Keller (eds.), What is a just peace? (pp. 195-215). Oxford University Press.
Arbour, L. (2007). Economic and social justice for societies in transition. New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, 40(1), 1-28. Recuperado de
Ardila, C. (2016). On distributive justice after war: A normative approach to Colombian case (disertación). The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh. Recuperado de
Arendt, H. (1970). On violence. Nueva York: Harcourt.
Aristóteles. (1985). Ética nicomáquea. Ética eudemia (J. Palli Bonet, trad.). Madrid: Gredos.
Arthur, P. (2009). How “transitions” reshaped human rights: A conceptual history of transitional justice. Human Rights Quarterly, 31(2), 321-367.
Ashford, E. (2018). Severe poverty as an unjust emergency (P. Woodruff, ed.). Nueva York: Oxford University Press.
Banco Mundial. (2018a). Gini index (World Bank estimate). Data. Recuperado de
Banco Mundial. (2018b). Poverty & equity data brief: Colombia. Recuperado de
Bass, G. J. (2004). Jus post bellum. Philosophy and Public Affairs, 32(4), 384-412.
Bell, C. (2008). Transitional justice, interdisciplinarity and the state of the “field” or “non-field”. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 3(1), 5-27.
Bond, P. (2006). Reconciliation and economic reaction: Flaws in South Africa’s elite transition. Journal of International Affairs, 60(1), 141-156.
Clausewitz, C. von. (2007). On war (M. Howard y P. Paret, trads.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Coates, A. J. (1997). The ethics of war. Mánchester: Manchester University Press.
Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. (2015, diciembre). Resolución 60/2015. Recuperado de
Elster, J. (2004). Closing the books: Transitional justice in historical perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Elster, J. (2010). Land, justice and peace. En M. Bergsmo, C. Rodriguez-Garavito, P. Kalmanovitz y M. P. Saffon (eds.), Distributive justice in transitions (pp. 15-23).
Oslo: Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher; Peace Research Institute Oslo.
Fabre, C. (2015a). War exit. Ethics, 125(3), 631-652.
Fabre, C. (2015b). War’s aftermath and the ethics of war. En S. Lazar y H. Frowe (eds.), The Oxford handbook of ethics of war (vol. 1, pp. 505-516). Nueva York: Oxford University Press.
Fabre, C. (2016). Cosmopolitan peace. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fiala, A. (2018). Pacifism. En E. N. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (fall 2018). Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Recuperado de
Fixdal, M. (2012). Just peace: How wars should end. Nueva York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Freedman, L. (2012). Defining war. En Y. Boyer y J. Lindley-French (eds.), The Oxford handbook of war (pp. 18-30). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Freire, P. (2005). Pedagogy of the oppressed (M. Bergman Ramos, trad.). Nueva York: Continuum.
Goodin, R. E. (1991). Compensation and redistribution. En J. W. Chapman (ed.), Compensatory justice (pp. 143-177). NYU Press.
Gready, P. & Robins, S. (2014). From transitional to transformative justice: A new agenda for practice. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 8(3), 339-361.
Habermas, J. (2010). The concept of human dignity and the realistic utopia of human rights. Metaphilosophy, 41(4), 464-480.
Hobbes, T. (1998). Leviathan. Nueva York: Oxford University Press.
Kalmanovitz, P. (2010). Corrective justice versus social justice in the aftermath of war. En M. Bergsmo, C. Rodriguez-Garavito, P. Kalmanovitz y M. P. Saffon (eds.), Distributive justice in transitions (pp. 71-95). Oslo: Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher; Peace Research Institute Oslo.
Kant, I. (1967). Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres (M. García Morente, trad.). Madrid: Espasa-Calpe.
Kant, I. (2004). Sobre la paz perpetua (J. L. Abellán, trad.). Madrid: Alianza.
Lambourne, W. (2009). Transitional justice and peacebuilding after mass violence. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 3(1), 28-48.
Lamont, J. & Favor, C. (2017). Distributive justice. En E. N. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (winter 2017). Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Recuperado de
Lamont, W. D. (1941). Justice: Distributive and corrective. Philosophy, 16(61), 3-18.
Margalit, A. (2010). On compromise and rotten compromises. Princeton University Press.
May, L. (2012). After war ends: A philosophical perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Moellendorf, D. (2008). Jus ex bello. Journal of Political Philosophy, 16(2), 123-136.
Moellendorf, D. (2015a). Ending wars. En S. Lazar y H. Frowe (eds.), The Oxford handbook of ethics of war (pp. 488-500). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Moellendorf, D. (2015b). Two doctrines of jus ex bello. Ethics, 125(3), 653-673.
Narveson, J. (1965). Pacifism: A philosophical analysis. Ethics, 75(4), 259-271.
Nussbaum, M. (2006). Frontiers of justice: Disability, nationality, species membership. Cambridge y Londres: Harvard University Press.
Nussbaum, M. (2011). Creating capabilities: The human development approach. Cambridge y Londres: Harvard University Press.
Orend, B. (2000). War. En The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Recuperado de
Orend, B. (2002). Justice after war. Ethics & International Affairs, 16(1), 43-56.
Orend, B. (2008). Jus post bellum: A just war theory perspective. En C. Stahn y J. K. Kleffner (eds.), Jus post bellum: Towards a law of transition from conflict to peace (pp. 31-52). La Haya: Asser.
Orentlicher, D. F. (2007). ‘Settling accounts’ revisited: Reconciling global norms with local agency. The International Journal of Transitional Justice, 1(1), 10-22.
Osiel, M. J. (2000). Why prosecute? Critics of punishment for mass atrocity. Human Rights Quarterly, 22(1), 118-147.
Pogge, T. (2007). Severe poverty as a human rights violation. En Freedom from poverty as a human right: Who owes what to the very poor? (pp. 11-54). Oxford y Nueva York: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization; Oxford University Press.
Rengger, N. (2002). On the just war tradition in the Twenty-First Century. International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944), 78(2), 353-363.
Rodin, D. (2008). Two emerging issues of jus post bellum: War termination and the liability of soldier for crimes of aggression. En C. Stahn y J. K. Kleffner (eds.), Jus post bellum: Towards a law of transition from conflict to peace (pp. 53-76). La Haya: Asser.
Sánchez, N. C. (2017). Tierra en transición: justicia transicional, restitución de tierras y política agraria en Colombia. Bogotá: Dejusticia.
Schaap, A. (2005). Political reconciliation. Nueva York: Routledge.
Schaber, P. (2011). Absolute poverty. En P. Kaufmann, H. Kuch, C. Neuhaeuser y E. Webster (eds.), Humiliation, degradation, dehumanization: Human dignity violated (pp. 151-158). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
Shaw, R., Waldorf, L. & Hazan, P. (2010). Localizing transitional justice: Interventions and priorities after mass violence. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Shue, H. (1996). Basic rights: Subsistence, affluence, and U.S. Foreign Policy (Second). Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Sinnott-Armstrong, W. (2015). Consequentialism. En E. N. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (winter 2015). Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Recuperado de
Sorabji, R. (2006). Just war from ancient origins to the conquistadors debate and its modern relevance. En R. Sorabji y D. Rodin (eds.), The ethics of war: Shared problems in different traditions. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Teitel, R. G. (2000). Transitional justice. Oxford y Nueva York: Oxford University Press.
Teitel, R. G. (2014). Globalizing transitional justice: Contemporary essays. Nueva York: Oxford University Press.
Uprimny, R. (2009). Transformative reparations of massive gross human rights violations: Between corrective and distributive justice. Part C: Appendices. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 27(4), 625-648.
Uprimny, R. & Saffon, M. P. (2009). Reparaciones transformadoras, justicia distributiva y profundización democrática. En N. Sánchez, R. Uprimny y C. Díaz (eds.), Reparar en Colombia: los dilemas en contextos de conflicto, pobreza y exclusión (pp. 31-70). Bogotá: Centro Internacional para la Justicia Transicional; Dejusticia.
Cómo citar
Paz justa y redistribución: un argumento deontológico en contextos de grave desigualdad. (2019). Diálogos De Saberes, 50, 101-118.