Principles of the organic law of territorial planning in the framework of the Colombian post-conflict.


  • Johan Sebastián Lozano Parra Universidad Libre Seccional Socorro
  • Lindsay Tatiana Cediel Ribero Universidad Libre Seccional Socorro


Flexibility, Gradualness, Organic law of territorial organization, Territorial ordering, Zones of peace


The Organic Law on Territorial Ordering (LOOT) presents two principles which guide the territorial ordering in a gradual and flexible way, that is, it allows the progressive and ample improvement of the decentralized entities, however, the current social and legal change that Colombia faces in the post-conflict generates the need to find solutions to broad problems.


The objective was to determine the applicability of the LOOT due to the principles of flexibility and gradualness in parallel to the current post-conflict process, pointing out the need to establish the constant and non-temporary purpose of the "Peace zones". The methodological strategy used for development is socio-legal because they have an impact on society that conditions the post-conflict legal framework.


The expected results with the investigation are to establish the principles of LOOT as guarantors and beneficiary for the creation and stability of peace zones, through the guidelines set out in a legislative act.


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Corte Constitucional. Sentencia C-489/12, Magistrado ponente, Adriana María Guillen Arango, expediente D – 8693

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How to Cite

Principles of the organic law of territorial planning in the framework of the Colombian post-conflict. (2020). El Centauro, 10(13), 65-72.