Evapotranspiration in constructed wetlands with elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) as a wastewater treatment from coffee production (pilot study).
Biological treatment, Biomass produced, Performance, SewageAbstract
The wet coffee´s benefit sewage are generated in considerable quantities in harvesting time and they are highly contaminants. Usually, in the farms throw them without an adequate treatment, which is a negative impact for the environment, therefore, treatment alternatives should be sought. The investigation objective was to evaluate the coffee´s benefit sewage through evapotranspiration wetland with elephant pasture. For the wetlands construction a hydraulic dispositive was developed, including the water supply and measuring system, and 3 systems were built, which were evaluate to verify their correct operation. In one of them were seed by stake five purple elephant pasture plants and in other one Green elephant pasture, it was waited the sprout and the initial growing of the plants, supplying water permanently, after that it started to add sewage and monitoring daily, measuring periodically the plants size and the evapotranspiration. Sixty days after, the plants were cut and weighed, and their average daily consumes and increase in size were estimated. As a result, there is no significant difference between the water consumption of the two pastures, but in the growth and production of biomass, being higher in the purple elephant pasture with a water consumption of 15.4 mm/d and a daily growth of 1.0 cm/d. The water consumption per plant is 2.0 Liters/month, making feasible to use the type of wetland for sewage treatment.
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