Corn (Zea mayz) production with 3 different types of organic fertilization systems
Dolomite lime, Organic fertilizers, Fertiolmo, Hen, TriadaminAbstract
The objective of this research was to evaluate three different types of organic fertilization systems for the production and commercialization of corn (Zea Mayz), which was developed in the Hacienda Majavita of the Universidad Libre - Socorro. The treatments were categorized as follows; (Treatment 0: Chicken manure, Treatment 1: Chicken manure + Foliar Fertilizer (TriadAMIN) and Treatment 2: Fertiolmo In the pre-seeding, that is, 15 days before the planting, a procedure was carried out in order to neutralize the acidity, disinfect the soil and also nourish it with Ca and Mg, for this purpose, in the treatment 0 were mixed 100 gr of chicken manure + 30 gr of dolomitic lime / site, and for the remaining treatments, 100 gr of fertiolmo + 30 gr of dolomitic lime were added. The experimental time of this investigation was 105 days and the variables of the height of plants, biomass production and mortality were analyzed. Significant differences were obtained (p> 0.05) for the 3 evaluated treatments, referring to the height of the plants; with the treatment 2 (Fertiolmo) being the one with the lowest growth, achieving an average 118.67 cm, followed by treatment 0 (Chicken manure) with 131,81 cm average and treatment 1 (Chicken manure and TriadAMIN) with 142,18 cm. In the production of biomass, no significant differences were observed between the treatments (p> 0.5), however, the expected results were not obtained because the cut was made in January when the summer started. Finally, no significant differences were observed (p> 0.05) in the total mortality among the treatments experienced, however, treatment 0 (Chicken manure) had the lowest mortality rate. The results of the experiment under study suggested that, in particular, foliar organic fertilizer (TriadAMIN) should be applied until the last week before ensiling
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