The efficiency of a FiME system in polypropylene units by using alternative filter beds.


  • Jorge Isaac Rojas Betancourt Universidad Libre
  • Andrés Felipe Rojas Cardozo Universidad Libre
  • Haimar Ariel Vega Serrano Universidad Libre


Anthracite, FiME, Coarse filter, Slow filter, Gravel


Problem: Multi-Stage Filtration System (FiME) adapted in polypropylene units presents a low efficiency in the downstream coarse filter (FGDe) decreasing the clearance versus the freight train. Objective: To evaluate the efficiency of the Multi-Stage Filtration System (FiME) in polypropylene units using alternative leach fields. Methodology: the operation, monitoring and maintenance of the system was carried out to evaluate its efficiency, and it was designed and built a FGDe in an anthracite filter bed and put into operation the slow filter sand FLA of river. Monitoring of the system was carried out in 7 compounds and 4 points. Results: With a reliability of 95%, a significant difference was determined between the removal of anthracite (94%) and gravel (92%) in physical indicators and less difference between the removal of silica sand (80%) and river sand (81%). The optimal dose of Blancox sodium hypochlorite at 5.25 was 0.06 ml/L in laboratory and 0.1 ml/L in the field. Conclusion: the adapted FiME complies with Resolution 2115 of 2007 in physical indicators. The anthracite is an efficient alternative as a filtering medium that increases removal in thick filters and river sand is an option to be used as a biological bed.


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How to Cite

The efficiency of a FiME system in polypropylene units by using alternative filter beds. (2019). El Centauro, 9(12), 53-63.