Impactos ambientales generados por la Exploración sísmica en la industria Petrolera colombiana. (revisión)


  • Amelia Carolina Fernández Ardila Universidad Libre
  • Sergio Alexander González Universidad Libre
  • María Patricia Santos Rodríguez Universidad Libre



Degradation, geology, hydrocarbons, preservation


Currently in Colombia is studies of oil exploration through the technique of creating artificial tremors "EARTHQUAKE", the activity that generates in the environment of a large amount of negative impacts that deteriorate the ecosystems of the operated a reas. In the present work was to determine the progress of the investigation into the environmental impacts generated by seismic exploration in the oil industry. Which is enhanced through the search far information on the internet collecting bibliographic documents in the search engines: Google, Scielo, Science Direct, Dialnet Academic and Google. To others it took into account the official pages of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Mines and Energy, National Hydrocarbons Agency, Comptroller General of the Republic, and ECOPETROL. Finding that the seismic activity in Colombia has exploratory record from the 50s and continues to date without further environmental restrictions, even when large companies and the environmental authorities confirm again and again the commitment which they acquire from preservation and conservation of the environment. Petroleum Activities should be developed under a prevention approach and responsible handling of all the environmental and social impacts that generates, ensuring the compliance with legal obligations and social responsibility, not only looking far the economic power, but a commitment to sustainability. The development of the oil industry must be reconciled with the environmental sustainability, through a rigorous monitoring of the mysteries and harmonize the exploitation of this resource so important with the conditions of the environment to contribute to the development of the country, since Colombia cannot afford to stop receiving millionaires resources, and must find more hydrocarbons and expand the reservations.


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How to Cite

Fernández Ardila, A. C., González, S. A., & Santos Rodríguez, M. P. (2015). Impactos ambientales generados por la Exploración sísmica en la industria Petrolera colombiana. (revisión). El Centauro, 7(10), 69-80.