Evaluación de la morfología ovárica en hembras Sacrificadas en la planta de beneficio animal de san gil
Corpus luteum, follicles, morphology, ovariesAbstract
The purpose of this research was to analyze the morphology of the ovaries in fema les slaughtered animal onthe ground benefit of San Gil. IAfter collected were carried out the different variables; the number of folliclesand identification ofthe stage body was observed I luteum. As a result had to the average weight ofthe fema legonads was 8.24 gin the right ovary and 7. 7 gr left ovaries, 98% of ovarían follicular structures presented, inwhich an average of 31.572 appreciated follicles in the ovaries 31.486 right and left ovaries, the average valueof these showed no significant difference (p>0.05) between the ovaries. 70 pairs of ovaries analyzed, 75. 71 %(53 females) had CL in one or both ovaries and 24.29% (17 females) had no corpus luteum in any ofthe ovary.Of the 53 fema les who had corpus luteum, 64.15% (34 fema les) presented corpus luteum in the right ovary,28.30% (15 females) in the left and 7.55% (4 females) presented CL in both gonads. Females showed corpusluteum in one or both ovaries zeal may have presented above, beca use the corpus luteum grows on the site ofovulation in the previous heat.
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