El desarrollo jurisprudencial del derecho Fundamental al agua potable el caso el municipio de socorro santander
Water rights, rule of law, constitutional guarantee fundamental law, State liabilityAbstract
This article takes an exploratory approach to the concept, scope and components of the constitutional guarantees of the exercise of the right to drinking water, in the context of national law, in order to analyze the special characteristics and legal place, object and others around his consecration and case law developments. The right to drinking water and thus the basic sanitation is seen as a guarantee that allows the satisfaction of rights inherent to human beings, such as life, health and human dignity, therefore your satisfaction implies an obligation on State who has supported their bases on a social model and in law why the study focus of this article will generate important and involves the ability to conceptualize on this right that must imprimírsele a higher content because it involves the possibility that it is guaranteed not only in the immediacy but to future generations, a postulate that strengthens when we talk about the rights of future generations. Therefore, to clarify the case of a municipality as the Socorro Santander involves determining the shortcomings that have been generated from the municipal structure and have conditioned access to drinking water for the city even though it is a problem that has not been substantiated initially in the allocation of resources, why is the ability to elaborate on the issues surrounding the country and is no guarantee of the right to water for all as enshrined in legislation and other regulatory provisions underlying model State and its essential purposes.
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