bioprospección de microalgas potenciales para la producción de biodiesel en la hacienda majavita
Isolation, biofuels, biomass, photosynthetic, transesterificationAbstract
The increasing demand for oil has been found, in short, with two major problems. On the one hand the expected global "peak" oil-the moment when the whole oilfields reach their peak production diaria- fact that befall all forecasts, later or earlier, but within the this decade. The second major problem is the threat of climate change, one of the main causes is the burning of oil, natural gas and coal. The objective of this project is to identify and characterize morphologically microalgal species that are potentially producing biodiesel at Hacienda Majavita. In the sample analysis technique used was explorative investigation, and were taken at points randomly selected lentic water plus a visual inspection by the method of finding Didymoy microalgal species that were characterized by their morphology was made. As a result, 21 species of microalgae are identified; and 5 of these can be grown. Concluding that microalgae are not alone or isolated in the wild, but live in community with other species of microalgae. Through the microscope some species such as Scenedesmus and diatoms were observed in greater numbers than others, which indicates that it is an abundant and predominant species.
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