Efecto de la nic 41 en actividades cafeteras, caso finca los mandarinos, socorro, santander


  • Tatiana Rocío Murillo Castro Universidad Libre
  • Alfonso Enrique Gualdrón López Universidad Libre


Biological Asset, cost, NIC, reasonable value


Accounting information is essential in making a business decision, hence the importance of improving the aspects that has been failing, taking into account the measurement value and results obtained; as in the case of biological assets, which with Decree 2649 of 1993 did not have a system to facilitate their movements and handling operations. This research seeks to demonstrate that the International Standard (IAS) No. 41 "Biological Assets" with the fair value method is more reliable and reflects a higher level of reliability and transparency of information; Decree 2649 compared to 1993 and historical cost; the above applied to a coffee farm called Los Mandarinos. For the development of research, a sample of eight hectares of coffee was taken and determined in the span of life all about costs, production and annual profits, to finally compare the results according to what they propose these two methods measurement. The results showed a significant difference when you see the profits, leading to the conclusion that the transition to International Standard number 41 is essential in agricultural processes. In 2012 the information as Decree 2649 yields a profit of $ 421,875 per hectare while the NIC showed loss of $ 371,037 per hectare, something that the producer did not know; and thus revealing that the transition to IAS 41 allows for better decision making when managing production processes with clear and accurate information.


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How to Cite

Efecto de la nic 41 en actividades cafeteras, caso finca los mandarinos, socorro, santander. (2014). El Centauro, 6(9), 69-76. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/centauro/article/view/2419