Alprazolam A Therapeutic Alternative in Hypertensive Urgency


  • Oswaldo Rodríguez Arbeláez Universidad Central de Venezuela
  • Joanny Rey Puente Universidad Central de Venezuela
  • Jairo Rojano Rada Universidad Central de Venezuela



Hypertensive emergency, alprazolam, captopril, Anxiety


Objective: To compare the combination therapy of captopril plus alprazolam versus captopril plus placebo in the management of hypertensive emergency (UH). Method: It is a clinical trial, uncentric, double blind, semi-randomized, in ages between 45 and 80 years with UH that met the criteria of JNC VII, attended in the emergency service between August 2017 - February 2018, distributed in group A (Control, n = 41) and group B (experimental, n = 55) who received captopril plus placebo and alprazolam and captopril respectively. Results: There was a predominance of the female gender in both groups, and also the degree of mild anxiety was the most frequent. In the experimental group there was a significant decrease at 30, 60 and 90 minutes of the MAP of -19%, -24 and -27% with a P 0.0000, in PAS at 30 minutes it was -17%, 60 minutes of -22% and 90 minutes -26%, and in the PAD in the aforementioned time intervals it was -21%, -26% and -28%. With a reduction equal to or greater than 25% of the average blood pressure in group B, after 90 min of treatment. According to the RR those who received the experimental treatment were about 7.5 times more likely to lower blood pressure effectively at 90 min, the NNT indicates that it is necessary to treat only 2 patients for one to benefit. Conclusion: According to these results we can discern that the use of alprazolam can be a therapeutic alternative in the hypertensive emergency.


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How to Cite

Alprazolam A Therapeutic Alternative in Hypertensive Urgency. (2019). Biociencias, 14(2), 67-80.