Sensitivity and specifity of endosonography in diagnosis of pancreatic head cancer. Clinica general del norte, period 2013-2014


  • Silvia de Ávila, MD. Universidad Libre
  • Armando Moreno, MD. Universidad Libre
  • Jesús Pérez, MD. Universidad Libre
  • Jorge Bilbao Universidad Libre


Sensitivity, Specificity, Endosonography


Objective: To determine the sensitivity and specificity of endosonography in diagnosis of pancreatic head cancer in patients with clinical suspicion of pancreatic cancer served in the Clinica General del Norte, January 2013-December 2014. Materials and methods: Evaluation study using a screening test, Endosonographic a total of 457 procedures were performed; the sample is for convenience in patients endosonography was indicated by clinical suspicion of pancreatic cancer and met the inclusion criteria for a total of 46 patients. Results: Females showed the highest prevalence in the studied sample with 54.3 %, mean age 63.5 ± 3.0 years, 40 cases suggestive of malignancy in endosonography, was correlated with histopathological at 37, and 6 cases of benign pathology findings suggestive of correlated in 1 case. Conclusions: Endosonographic the imaging findings in the diagnosis of pancreatic head cancer, shows a sensitivity of 97.3 %, with a specificity of 62.5 %, based on the pathological-histological report pancreatic tissue (gold standard).


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How to Cite

Sensitivity and specifity of endosonography in diagnosis of pancreatic head cancer. Clinica general del norte, period 2013-2014. (2016). Biociencias, 11(1), 49-55.