Utility of the elevation of pth intact as predictor of cardiovascular events inpatients with renal disease in hemodialisis, Barranquilla,2013


  • Edgar Serje Peña Universidad Libre
  • Foris Guerra Lopez Universidad Libre
  • Adolfo Pertuz Pinzon Universidad Libre


Parathyroid hormone, acute coronary syndrome, Hemodialysis, chronic kidney disease


Objective: To determine the usefulness of elevated parathyroid hormone as a predictor of cardiovascular events in patients with renal disease on hemodialysis in a renal unit, at Barranquilla 2013. Materials and Methods: Analytical study cohort, retrospective,in the patient population over 18 years old with kid- ney disease assisted in a renal unit in Barranquilla, Colombia; included 170 hemodialysis patients to determine which are intact PTH levels and was associated with the occurrence of acute coronary events. To tabulate information use the Epi-Info 3.5.1 program; ,were assessed statistical parameters: average, relative risk , the value of P, Chi square and confidence intervals, the confidence index was 95%. Results: While patients with renal disease on hemodialysis and elevated PTH showed 5,53 coronary events; in the group on hemodialysiswith normal PTH , one patient had a coronary event; p <0.05, relative risk = 5.53, confidence interval = 3.93 < RR <27.36, P = 0.00000001, Chi2 = 32.01. Conclusions: The elevation of parathyroid hormone is associated with the development of acute coronary events in patients with renal disease on hemodialysis and a concentration of 500 pg / dl or more , is more frequent occurrence of cardiovascular complications


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How to Cite

Utility of the elevation of pth intact as predictor of cardiovascular events inpatients with renal disease in hemodialisis, Barranquilla,2013. (2014). Biociencias, 9(1), 15-22. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/biociencias/article/view/2835

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