Effectiveness of simple lidocaína 2% applied in the subcutaneous tissue as prevention of infection in operative site of cesaera
Hospital Simon Bolivar of Barranquilla-January-April 2013
Lidocaine, Prophylaxis, Infection control, Cesarean section.Abstract
Objective: Determine the effectiveness of simple 2 % lidocaina applied in the subcutaneous tissue as prevention of infection in operative site of cesarea in Hospital Simon Bolivar of Barranquilla during the period January-April of 2013. Materials and Methods: Controlled clinical trial, in over 18 years old (≥ 37 weeks pregnant) patients undergo- ing scheduled cesarea through obstetrics and gynecology service of Hospital Simon Bolivar of Barranquilla, who agreed to be linked to the study, the sample consisted of 50 patients for each group. Lidocaine group: Simple lido- caine 2 % was applied (10 ml) in the subcutaneous tissue of the surgical wound. Control group: Prophylaxis wasn’t applied, information was tabulated using Epi-Info 3.5.1. Results: In the group that used lidocaine as prophylaxis, the incidence of surgical site infection was 2 % compared with 16 % in the control group (OR = 0.10, CI = 0.01-0.89, p-value = 0.01); with statistically significant differences in favor of the effectiveness of the application of simple lidocaine 2 % (10 ml) in the subcutaneous tissue of the surgical wound. Conclusion: Applying simple 2 % lidocaine (10 ml) in the subcutaneous tissue of the surgical wound at the time of cesarean raffia, is an effective and safe prophylaxis of surgical site infection.
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