The pamoras, their utilitites and advances in the treatment of side effects opiod on mu receptors


  • Jorge Daza Barriga Universidad Libre
  • Ornella Ruiz Pérez Universidad Libre


Analgesics, Opioid-related disorders, Mu


The aim of this paper is to review the state of knowledge of the utilities of the Pamoras in treating the collateral ef- fects of opioids with mu receptors. We searched the scientific literature between the years 2001-2010 from which we conclude that Pamoras, particularly methylnaltrexone and alvimopan have proved useful in the treatment of gastrointestinal effects, to the extent that its use has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Prob- ably other undesirable effects of opioids such as urinary retention, nausea and itching may also be treated with these substances, but additional research is needed. In addition, intensively studied the effects of actions on other cellular pamoras undesirable opiates, such as tumor growth and increased vascular permeability. The actions are mediated primarily by peripheral mu receptor antagonism.


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How to Cite

The pamoras, their utilitites and advances in the treatment of side effects opiod on mu receptors. (2011). Biociencias, 6(2), 73-82.

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