Behavior risk factors conversion of Colelap to open cholecystectomy. Hospital General de Barranquilla, January 2014-April 2015
Risk factors, Conversion, CholecystectomyAbstract
Objective: Determine the behavior of the risk factors conversion Colelap to open cholecystectomy in the Hospital General de Barranquilla, January 2014 to April 2015.
Materials and methods: Ambispective analytic cohort study, convenience sample which entered the group 1 the total number of patients in that conversion is performed conventional open cholecystectomy; for the formation of group 2, 2 patients were randomized for each patient in group 1 income, for a total of 20 patients in group 1 and 40 patients in group 2.
Results: The distribution according to sex, females showed that reached the highest frequency in the two study groups, with 75 % in group 1 versus 92.5 % in group 2, the mean age of group 1 was 54.0 ± 11.6 years versus 44.1 ± 10.5 years in group 2.
Conclusions: The behavior at the local level of conversion factors associated with conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomy to open cholecystectomy, not radically different to that described in the world literature both nationally, in this research demonstrating that age over 60 years, surgical findings gallbladder thickened multiple surgical adhesions and bleeding were risk factors for conversion.
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