Pott’s disease. A case report


  • Carlos Arturo Barrera ESE Hospital cari
  • Dayana Morales ESE Hospital cari




Tuberculosis, Pott's disease, spinal tuberculosis


A third of the global population is infected with tuberculosis. Each year in the world are reported from 8 to 10 million new cases of tuberculosis, and about 3 million die of the disease. It usually affects the lungs, but in 33% of cases affect other organs. Spinal tuberculosis occurs in less than 1% of patients, is more common in children than adults. The most common clinical data are pain, functional limitation, and muscular contraction. In advanced stages has a dorsal hump, and neurological disorders. We report the case of a female patient of 55 years with low back pain radiating to the left leg 4 months. Imaging studies reveal dehydration L4-L5 intervertebral disc, vertebral body wedging L2-L3 of the rear wall displacement in L2. He received medical treatment, aspiration biopsy was performed guided by fluoroscopy and sent samples for histopathology and culture for mycobacteria with adequate clinical response.


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