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Characterization of pediatric patients (5 to 16 years) with ADHD in a health care provider institution in Barranquilla (2017 to 2020)




ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Attention Deficit


Objective: To characterize pediatric patients between 5 to 16 years old with a diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) treated at a healthcare institution in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia between 2017 to 2020. Materials and methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted on pediatric patients who consulted at an institution in Barranquilla (Alt, Co). Medical records were reviewed, and selected data were tabulated in a registration matrix for subsequent analysis in R Software, with descriptive statistics and graphical representation. Results:  A total of 606 patients were included, with an average age of 7.9 years +/- 2.5. 78% of the patients were male. Patients between 6-7 years old were the most represented group (51%). It was identified that 11% of the patients were preterm newborns. 51% of the patients had some type of comorbidity. The most frequent subtype of ADHD found was the hyperactive subtype (53%), followed by the mixed subtype (18%) and combined subtype (17%). Out of 480 of 606 patients, psychpedagogical therapy was the only management measure received. Conclusion: A similar pattern was found to that reported in national and international literature regarding age, gender, and related risk factors. In terms of subtypes, a different distribution was observed, with the hyperactive subtype predominating. The most used therapeutic measure was psychopedagogical therapy.


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Author Biographies

  • José Aragón-Palencia, Universidad Libre de Colombia

    Residente de Pediatría, Universidad Libre de Colombia,,

  • Sharon Romero-Vergara, Universidad Libre de Colombia

    Residente de Pediatría, Universidad Libre de Colombia,,

  • Adolfo Álvarez-Montañez, Universidad Simón Bolívar

    Especialista en Neurología pediátrica, docente de postgrado en Pediatría Universidad Simón Bolívar,,

  • Ornella Ruiz-Pérez, Universidad Libre de Colombia

    Especialista en Pediatría, maestría en Epidemiologia clínica,,

  • Mónica Gómez-Barbosa, Universidad Libre de Colombia

    Fisioterapeuta, especialista en Epidemiología y en Gestión de Proyectos Educativos; magíster en Educación con Énfasis en Cognición,,


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2022-06-14 — Updated on 2022-06-15





How to Cite

Characterization of pediatric patients (5 to 16 years) with ADHD in a health care provider institution in Barranquilla (2017 to 2020). (2022). Biociencias, 17(1).

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