Knowledge generated by the law program of the Libre University and its influence on the scientific agenda in Colombia (2010-2015 years)


  • Zilath Romero Universidad Libre
  • María Eugenia Navas Ríos Universidad de Cartagena



Cognitive impact, Scientific knowledge, Research, Colciencias, Publindex, Universidad Libre


Today Universidad Libre offers has a wide academic offer in seven cities of the country, including the Law program . This career is offered in each of the headquarters and sectional, this way graduates have a significant advantage to achieve a high impact in the national context , in different areas related to social responsibility. This article focuses on analyzing the knowledge generated by this program and its influence on the country's scientific agenda. This analysis is carried out with respect to the social management dimension of knowledge, the integration of external social actors in research and the design of research areas and knowledge dissemination and transfer.


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How to Cite

Knowledge generated by the law program of the Libre University and its influence on the scientific agenda in Colombia (2010-2015 years). (2018). Academia & Derecho, 15, 223-239.