Teleology of the exclusionary rule in Colombia


  • Ronald Jesús Sanabria Villamizar



Illegal evidence, Exclusionary rule, Fundamental rights, Criminal due process, Colombia


Darkness (uncertainty) of the past can only be clarified in the world of trial with the evidence, but not with any of them: only those with the requirements of existence and validity may be considered as legal evidence and therefore be valued by the judge. This paper analyzes the purpose of the exclusion of illegal evidence, i.e., to study what search the Colombian legal system to endorse such a drastic and even unwanted decision (the excluded evidence is the truth that flees) as it is to pass over the evidence obtained or derived illegally. Law, doctrine and jurisprudence: the main objective to develop, within the framework of a legal investigation of interpretive approach to data analysis strictly documentary, the three main formal sources of Colombian law should be studied. In Colombia the teleology of illegal evidence does not have a single purpose, being that, as often happens in the adoption of foreign legal concepts, includes the two main objectives raised by the Western legal world: deterring state agents and protection of fundamental rights.


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How to Cite

Teleology of the exclusionary rule in Colombia. (2014). Academia & Derecho, 9, 83-110.