Defense digital evidence of violation to the protection of personal data from the self


  • Ana Maria Mesa Elneser



Personal data, Digital evidence, Digital forensics, Intimacy and privacy


Personal Data Protection in Colombia is a fundamental constitutional right regulated from the enactment of Law 1581 of 2012, it regulated the Regulatory Decrees 1377 of 2013 and 886 of 2014, and the draft circular published in February 2014 to define the guidelines against the registration of the national database - RBD, always based on citizens’ rights against companies and government entities, such as among others, the protection of data, intimacy and privacy. Added to this, personal data management and information bring responsibilities by who has temporary or permanent guardian, exacted the adoption of policies, processes and integrated into the structure of the organization mainly in the field of security procedures information for the fuller protection of information, computer security in the search for improved operational and technological infrastructure responsive attention to incidents, and digital evidence as technical mechanism scientist (Cano, 2010) to remove traces of the incident may identify whether it is in front of the commission of a crime or not. That is why from the enforcement in the protection of personal data legal scenarios that constitute a defense to liability since they operate as evidence for manipulation, even in the absence of prior authorization holder or regulation enacted by the Colombian State is facing.


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How to Cite

Defense digital evidence of violation to the protection of personal data from the self. (2015). Academia & Derecho, 10, 119-156.