Post conflict and economic model in Colombia


  • Jaime Buenahora Febres Cordero



Peace Agreements, Post Conflict, Social State of Law, International Economics, Economic and Social Rights, Interventions, General Interest and Solidarity.


It is very likely that the Government will sign the Peace Agreements that will end up war with the insurgent groups, FARC and ELN. These facts will have a great significance for Colombians. Only, when this process is completed, the Government and Colombian society will have to face new challenges, in particular the gradual adaptation of political, economic and social structures, in order to guarantee an integral, stable and lasting peace, that is, a peace That not only stops rifles and achieves the reincorporation of the guerrillas into civilian life, but also guarantee the prevalence of the general interest to gradually achieve corporate cohesion. In other words, economic and social peace, which involves the progressive but effective eradication of poverty and inequality, will not be achieved with the signing of the Agreements. The fundamental thing, beyond the institutional complementation of the points that the Government agrees with the FARC and the ELN, is to adapt the State, based on interventionism and the principles of general interest and solidarity, to build an inclusive society with opportunities for all. The complexity of this task leads us to reflect not only on the economic model but especially on the constitutional economic law in force.


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How to Cite

Post conflict and economic model in Colombia. (2016). Academia & Derecho, 12, 213-240.