The end of the process a cultural issue

the search for truth or conflict resolution


  • Pedro Alirio Sánchez Novoa Universidad Libre



Process, purpose, adversarial, inquisitive, proof, truth, rule of law


This article aims without hesitation, genera te a discussion on the issue of the purpose of the process in our country, it has always been a dilemma, if the end of the process is the solution of the conflict or the search for truth to substantiate the decision. Quantitative methodological approach was used, with a type of documentary or bibliographic research, descriptive to procedurally define the concept of truth in the context of social rule of law, to refer to the refined truth that at the time Rene Descartes, defined as the product of reasoning with the construction of syllogisms that do not have any errors. And experimental analyzing judicial congestion from the cultural point of view and what it has meant for the country type, because even though the Judicial Branch is autonomous, in recent years it has seen a production of sentences, which effectively creates a distortion of the judicial function, where the end of the process is the solution of the conflict, regardless of the effective protection of the rights of citizens, making a very skewed axis of our cultural change.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Novoa, P. A. (2013). The end of the process a cultural issue: the search for truth or conflict resolution. Academia & Derecho, 7, 41-52.