The probable and the provable. An approach to the work of Lawrence Jonathan Cohen


  • Orión Vargas Vélez Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana



Laurence Jonathan Cohen, probability, logic, soundness, support, induction, inference, rule, test, hypothesis, control


The inductive probability can be used by a judge as a tool that allows him to rationally evaluate the evidence at the time of evidential activity -corresponding to individual and joint assessment of the evidence- to approach the goal of the proof in the judicial process: the search for truth. lt is in this second phase of the evidentiary activity when the judge can go to other fields of knowledge in search of additional criteria for a rational evaluation of the proof, beca use at that phase the judge is not subject to rules of admissibility and relevance proper to the first phase (production of the evidence) or to the standards of proof used in a particular judicial system, proper to the third phase (court decision).


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How to Cite

The probable and the provable. An approach to the work of Lawrence Jonathan Cohen (O. Vargas Vélez , Trans.). (2013). Academia & Derecho, 6, 111-124.