The bunder of proof in the social status of law


  • Pedro Alirio Sánchez Novoa Universidad Libre



lnquisitive Civil Litigation System, System Adversarial Procedure, Testing Office, Judge


This article discusses the civil procedure system of Colombia, in the light of the two procedural aspects (lnquisitive and Adversaria!), to determine whether the implementation of the General Code of Procedure, by adopting a more adversaria! system that allows prompt justice and effective by the oral and what influence the social state of law with the application of the procedural system, with respect to the decree of evidence ex officio, since to be a must-order, the judge often compromise their impartiality satisfy the substantive law, but at what cost, transgressing the constitutional and procedural principie of equality of the parties.


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How to Cite

The bunder of proof in the social status of law (P. A. Sánchez Novoa , Trans.). (2013). Academia & Derecho, 6, 75-86.