Sorne reflections present for the future of labor law


  • Sandro José Jácome Sánchez Universidad Libre



Subordination, dependent work simulation, simulation of the employment contract, outsourcing, expanding the concept of subordination


Faced with new strategies of 'capital', which in many ways subordinate work disguises work 'separate and independent '(through outsourcing unlawful lawful formal robes), workers have, thanks to long-standing labor gains, legal instruments that protect dependent work, which have a dogmatic pro worker to be on stage to assert administrative, political and judicial hand with a justice committed to the defense of the rights deriving human labor. Just as the 'capital' has used new technologies and forms of administration to evade responsibility far protection of human labor, the working class has communication technologies to integrate and claimed, as when organized in the physical environment company. This should be the new role to deal with the inadequate implementation of formal instruments that are distracting from the real world and can lead to civil adjusted decisions (of the same), but not the spirit of justice material that protects the right of work, oriented from the top Colombian legal regulations .


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How to Cite

Sorne reflections present for the future of labor law (S. J. Jácome Sánchez , Trans.). (2013). Academia & Derecho, 6, 59-74.