"La solidaridad de las personas naturales en condición de contratantes frente al trabajador que sufre accidente de trabajo estando al servicio del contratista independiente- enfoque jurisprudencial 2009 -2011".


  • Angélica María del pilar Contreras Calderon Universidad Libre
  • Nidia Belén Quintero Gelves Universidad Libre
  • Álvaro Quintero Gelves Universidad Libre


The law and the jurisprudence hove involved to salve the conflict between the workers to the service of an independent contractor company ,that has not fulfillment the obligation to link them to social security and to professional risks and hove hadan accident. Far solving this trouble are starting of the supposition that clearly the article 3 of the decree 2351 de 1965 that subrogate the article 34 of the C.S.T (Substantive Code of Job),establishes a solidary responsibility between contractors andrecipients but limited, because is preached legally, when the nature and purposecontracted work is associatedwith the ordinary activity of the recipients and has of course its principal base in the existence of laborite contract between a contactar and the employee. That is to soy , the work is not bizarre to the normal activities of who commissioned its execution, the contract produces effects between the recipient and the employee of the independent contractor company.


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Constitución Política, Código Laboral, Código de Procedimiento Laboral, Código Civil. Relatoría Corte Suprema de Justicia Sala Laboral años 2009-2011.




How to Cite

"La solidaridad de las personas naturales en condición de contratantes frente al trabajador que sufre accidente de trabajo estando al servicio del contratista independiente- enfoque jurisprudencial 2009 -2011". (2011). Academia & Derecho, 3, 107-115. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/academia/article/view/2404