Effectiveness of Law 70 in the Recognition of Rights and the Construction of Afro-Colombian Citizenship


  • Alfredo Pérez Caballero Universidad Libre
  • Zilath Romero González Universidad Libre
  • Elfa Luz Mejía Mercado
  • Sandra Lorena Hidalgo Arango Universidad de Cartagena




Afro-Colombian communities, citizenship, cultural diversity


This article analyzes the impact that the enactment of Law 70 of 1993 has had on the recognition
of black or Afro-Colombian communities, on the strengthening of their participation in
Colombian society and on the construction of new citizenships. For this purpose, we will first
describe the historical background of Law 70; then we will analyze the impact it has had on Afro-
Colombian identity and citizenship, and finally, we will identify the challenges and obstacles that
Afro-Colombian communities still face, together with recommendations to strengthen the
effectiveness of Law 70. Such a journey will allow to evidence that the effectiveness and impact
of Law 70 in the construction of new Afro-Colombian citizenship and their participation in
Colombian society is a subject of constant evaluation and evolution.


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How to Cite

Effectiveness of Law 70 in the Recognition of Rights and the Construction of Afro-Colombian Citizenship. (2024). Academia & Derecho, 17(29). https://doi.org/10.18041/2215-8944/academia.29.12241